[1]杨西荣,吕梦南.出口通道背部摩擦力对工业纯钛室温ECAP 变形影响的有限元分析[J].西安建筑科技大学学报:自然科学版,2011,43(05):720-724.[doi:DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.05.007]
 Y ANG X i-rong,LV Meng-nan.Effect of friction between the back of the billet and outletchannel on the finite unit analysis of ECAP for CP-Tiat ambient temperatures[J].J.Xi’an Univ. of Arch. & Tech.:Natural Science Edition,2011,43(05):720-724.[doi:DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.05.007]

出口通道背部摩擦力对工业纯钛室温ECAP 变形影响的有限元分析()




Effect of friction between the back of the billet and outlet
channel on the finite unit analysis of ECAP for CP-Ti
at ambient temperatures
杨西荣 吕梦南
(西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院, 陕西西安710055)
Y ANG X i-rong LV Meng-nan
(Schoo l o f Metallurg y Engineering , Xi′an Univer sity Architecture & Technolog y , Xi′an 710055 , China)
ECAP 3D f inite e lement simulation back f riction CP-Ti .
DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.05.007
工业纯钛的等径弯曲通道变形(Equal Channel Ang ular Pressing , 简称ECAP)通常在350 ~ 450℃实
现, 为研究工业纯钛室温ECAP 变形的可行性, 提高其细化效率, 本文利用三维有限元商品软件Marc .Superfo
rm 对工业纯钛方形试样的一道次室温ECAP 变形过程进行模拟.研究并分析了模具出口通道背面摩擦对
工业纯钛(Commer cial Pure Titanium , CP-Ti)试样变形、应变速率及挤压载荷分布的影响规律.研究表明, 增
大模具出口通道背部摩擦可使工业纯钛ECAP 变形区的应变速率分布更均匀, 使试样内应变分布均匀性提高.
在此基础上通过改善外部摩察工艺条件成功地实现工业纯钛室温ECAP 变形, 获得变形均匀的ECAP 试样
 All early investig atio ns of equal cha nnel pressing (ECAP)o n CP-Ti w ere car ried o ut in the temperature r ang e o f
623-773K .In o rder to ev aluate the feasibility that CP-Ti wa s pr ocessed by ECAP without failure at room temperature ,
Marc Superfo rm , a 3D finite unit mo del so ftwa re , is used to analyze the deformatio n heterog eneity of comme rcial pure titanium
(CPTi)during equal cha nnel ang ular pressing (ECAP)fo r o ne pa ss at ambient tempera ture .The simulation of the
total equivalent plastic strains in three perpendicular plans of the defo rmed billet wa s car ried o ut and differ ent frictio n coefficient
betw een the back o f the billet and outlet channel w ere employed in o rde r to obtain unifo rm wo rkpiece .This study
show s that the strain homo geneity increases and the st rain rate is mo re homoge neous w ith friction betw een the back of the
billet and outle t channel .And CP-Ti may be processed by ECAP a t room tempera ture thr ough alte ring the state-o f-stress
of w ork piece .


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*收稿日期:2010-12-23   修改稿日期:2011-08-03
作者简介:杨西荣(1971-), 陕西西安人, 工学博士, 副教授, 主要从事材料加工及其计算机模拟研究.
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-11-05