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Simulation study on thermal comfort of Karez public space in Turpan
(新疆大学 建筑工程学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830047)
Abulikemu·TUOHETI ZHU Litong WANG Wanjiang
(College of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830047,China)
坎儿井公共空间 热舒适度 ENVI-met 吐鲁番
Karez public space thermal comfort ENVI-met Turpan
坎儿井公共空间作为传统村落中集景观要素和社会生活为一体的核心空间,其热环境直接影响人们的户外活动质量.为了提高坎儿井公共空间的热舒适度,厘清植物、坎儿井水和地面铺装对坎儿井公共空间热环境的影响程度.以再依丁坎儿孜村为例,运用ENVI-met软件模拟分析坎儿井公共空间的热环境特征,进一步建立无坎儿井水、无水无植被和水泥地面等3种模拟方案.结果表明:坎儿井公共空间的热舒适度优于其他空间,坎儿井水和植物的共同作用下最大可降温2.3℃,PMV值最大相差3个级别,空间舒适度变化与植物分布高度相关.坎儿井水干涸后,坎儿井公共空间的PMV值最大增大0.38; 坎儿井公共空间植物也消失后,PMV值最大增大2.72; 当坎儿井公共空间的地面改为水泥地面时,PMV值最大增大0.37.优化吐鲁番农村公共空间夏季热环境需考虑多因素之间的协同作用,应增加树木遮阳、加以保护坎儿井水源、减少水泥和沥青等硬质地面的使用.本研究可为干热地区公共空间热舒适度的研究和建设提供参考.
As the core space of traditional villages, Karez public space integrates landscape elements and social life, and its thermal environment directly affects the quality of people's outdoor activities. In order to improve the thermal comfort of Karez public space, clarify the influence of plants, Karez water and ground pavement on the thermal environment of Karez public space. Taking kanerzi village as an example, ENVI-met software is used to simulate and analyze the thermal environment characteristics of public space in Karez, and three simulation schemes are further established, such as no Karez water, no vegetation and cement ground. The results show that: the thermal comfort of Karez public space is better than other spaces, the maximum temperature of Karez water and plants can be reduced by 2.3℃, PMV values differ by up to 3 levels, and the change of space comfort is highly related to the distribution of plants. The PMV value of public space in Karez increases by 0.38 after the well water dries up; after the plants in Karez public space disappears, the maximum PMV value increases by 2.72; and when the ground of Karez public space is changed to cement ground, the maximum increase of PMV is 0.37. In order to optimize the thermal environment of rural public space in Turpan in summer, it is necessary to consider the synergy of many factors, such as increasing tree shading, protecting Karez water source, and reducing the use of hard ground such as cement and asphalt. This study can provide a reference for the research and construction of public space thermal comfort in dry and hot areas.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51768066); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52068065)
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-10-25