[1]嵇 鹰,等.水泥熟料烧成系统NOX 生成特性研究[J].西安建筑科技大学学报:自然科学版,2011,43(05):735-740.[doi:DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.05.004]
 J I Ying,TI AN Yao-peng,et al.An investigation into NOX formation in preheater andprecalciner cement kilns system[J].J.Xi’an Univ. of Arch. & Tech.:Natural Science Edition,2011,43(05):735-740.[doi:DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.05.004]

水泥熟料烧成系统NOX 生成特性研究()




An investigation into NOX formation in preheater and
precalciner cement kilns system
嵇 鹰1 2 田耀鹏1 周 蕊1 谢奋国3
(1.西安建筑科技大学材料科学与工程学院, 陕西西安710061 ;2.西部建筑科技国家重点实验室(筹),
陕西西安710055;3.陕西省建筑材料工业学校, 陕西西安710061)
J I Ying 1 2 TI AN Yao-peng 1 ZHOU Rui 1 X IE Fen-guo3
(1 .School of Ma te rials Science and Eng ineering , Xi′an Univ ersity of Architecture and Technolog y ;
2 .Sta te Key Labor atory of Ar chitec ture Scinence and Technolog y in w est China(XAUAT), Xi′an 710055, China ;
3.Shaanx i building ma te rials industrial scho ol, Xi′an 710061 , China)
 分解炉NOX CO过剩空气系数
precalcinerNOX CO e xcess air coe f f icient
DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.05.004
利用德国Testo 350 烟气分析仪, 采集了两种新型干法水泥生产线中窑尾烟室、分解炉底部、分解炉上
部和每级旋风筒入口的烟气数据, 分析表明:空气过剩系数、煤粉特性、燃烧气氛和SO2 的浓度等对NOX 的
生成有一定的影响.合理组织分解炉底部煤粉燃烧, 适当提高窑尾烟室CO 浓度, 使得窑头产生大量的NOX
得到还原, 降低NOX 最终排放量.
 Samples of exit g ases at the bot tom o f the kiln , inle t and outlet o f pre-calcine r and inlet o f each cy clone pre-heater
were taken in-line along w ith mo re than a dozen of pre-heater and pre-calciner cement clinke r pro ductio n lines , w hich
were mea sured / analy sed by Te sto 350 flue g as analy zer fo r the compone nts in the exiting g ases.Data measured showed
tha t levels of excessive air , proper ties of co al used, co nditio ns of combustio ns and conce nt ratio n of SO2 e tc .ex erted an
effect o n the fo rmation of NOX in pr e-heater and pre-calcine r cement kilns sy stem .Pro po sal to raise the CO co ncentra tion
level at the bo ttom of pre-calciner by improv ing its desig n fo r coal burning was made .The increase of CO conce ntr atio n in
the pre-calcine r w ould help to co nv ert the NOX from the kiln exit gases into harmless N2 , and therefo re , reduc tion in NOX
emissions co uld be anticipated in ex haust o ff-gases


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*收稿日期:2010-12-31   修改稿日期:2011-08-02
作者简介:嵇 鹰(1966-), 男,副教授, 主要研究方向为高固气比预热与分解技术及节能减排
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-11-05