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The definition, research status and outlook of vernacular landscape in the arid region of Northwest China
陈 磊12姜 婧3张 婷4岳邦瑞12
(1.西安建筑科技大学建筑学院,陕西 西安 710055; 2.西部建筑科技国家重点实验室 筹 , 陕西 西安 710055; 3.西安市规划局,陕西 西安 710082; 4.中联西北工程设计研究院,陕西 西安 710082)
CHEN Lei12JIANG Jin3ZHANG Ting4YUE Bang-rui12
(1.School of Arch., Xian Univ. of Arch.& Tech, Xian 710055,China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Architecture Science and Technology in West China(XAUAT),Xian 710055,China; 3.Xian Urban Planning Bureau, Xian 710082,China; 4.China United Northwest Institute for Design and Research, Xian 710082,China)
human settlement in north-west arid region the oasis vernacular landscape landscape ecological planning research review
TU 983
The paper defines the concept of vernacular landscape of the north-west arid region, that is the rural complex ecosystem which is able to fully adapt to the natural environment and reflect the special people-land relationship of the arid areas. According to the differences of main areas of research and discipline, the paper describes the research status of vernacular landscape of the arid region from 4aspects i. e. the landscape pattern and process, the land resources and water resources using, the settlement landscape and the landscape planning and design. Then, the paper sums up three features of previous research—Continuous expansion of the subject areas continue, and empirical research as the lead and use of diversification of research methods. In the end, the paper puts forward the outlook of future research as deepening of the basic theory and the underlying mechanism, and diverse exploration and paradigm convergence of the discipline


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收稿日期:2012-03-01 修改稿日期:2013-09-10
作者简介:陈 磊(1977-),男,山东泗水人,硕士,讲师,主要研究方向:现代景观规划理论与方法.
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-10-05