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Research on Chinese ancient building eaves form the falling points of sunlight
付宗驰1罗 畅1刘玉豪1裘鸿菲2
(1.石河子大学 农学院,新疆 石河子 832003; 2.华中农业大学 园艺林学学院,湖北 武汉 430070)
FU Zongchi1 LUO Chang1 LIU Yuhao1QIU Hongfei2
(1.Agricultural College of Shihezi University, Shihezi University,Xinjing Shihezi 832003, China; 2.College of Horticulture and Foresty Science Huzhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China)
光线分析 中国古建筑 气候适应性 屋檐
sunlight analysis ancient Chinese building climate response eave
以夏至、冬至、处暑、大寒真太阳时12时光线为关键节点时间光线,经唐代至清代26个古建筑剖面图屋檐下沿绘制关键节点时间光线,通过分析光线落点与檐柱的关系发现:至晚到唐代中国古建筑就已经发展出了与光照相适应的气候适应性设计方法,主要表现为建筑所在地处暑光线刚好落在建筑檐柱柱脚附近很小的范围内,冬至日光线刚好落在檐柱顶部; 这种对光线的组织能够避免热季光线照射到建筑南立面,而使冬至太阳光线可以照射到整个南立面柱身区域,兼顾了冷热两季建筑对太阳辐射的需求,表现出了良好的对于光照的适应性,且这种适应性策略和设计方法被宋至明各代继承; 与历史上政治中心南北移动相关的光线适应性再设计,应当是中国古建筑屋檐尺寸变化的原因.
In this paper, the noon sunlight at Summer Solstice, End of Heat, Winter Solstice and Greater Cold, were the four key sunlight. Draw the key sunlight at eaves on 24 ancient building sections form Tang to Qing dynasties, by analyzing the law of sunlight falling points, it was found that: 1)no later than Tang Dynasty, the ancient buildings had developed a climate response design method—the local sunlight at the End of Heat just falls in a small area near the the eave pillar foot, the sunlight at Winter Solstice just falls on the top of the eave pillar, in this way, the entire south facade can be completely shaded in the hot season, and the sunlight from the weakest day(Winter Solstice)of solar radiation can irradiate the entire south façade pillar in the cold season, the building's demand for solar radiation during the hot and cold seasons had been taken into account; 2)the climate response strategy and design method were inherited by Song and Ming Dynasties; 3)the sunlight adaptability redesign as the political center latitude changes in history, should be the reason for the changes of the ancient Chinese building eaves dimension.


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