 LAI Jialong,ZHAGN Yichi,YUWEN Haoran,et al.Research on the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and protection and utilization strategies of revolutionary sites in Shaan-Gan-Ning region[J].J. Xi’an Univ. of Arch. & Tech.(Natural Science Edition),2024,56(03):329-337.[doi:10.15986/j.1006-7930.2024.03.003]





Research on the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and protection and utilization strategies of revolutionary sites in Shaan-Gan-Ning region
(1.西安建筑科技大学 建筑学院,陕西 西安 710055;2.中国城市规划设计研究院 历史文化名城保护与发展研究分院,北京 100044)
LAI Jialong1 ZHAGN Yichi1 YUWEN Haoran1 XU Meng2 WU Aijia1
(1.School of Architecture, Xian Univ. of Arch. & Tech., Xian 710055, China ; 2.Sub-institite of Historic City Protection and Development, China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, Beijing 100044, China)
Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia region revolutionary sites spatiotemporal distribution wholeness
陕甘宁革命遗址见证了中国共产党从胜利走向胜利的伟大历程,具有十分重要且特殊的地位.通过对陕甘宁革命遗址时空分布耦合特征的梳理,提出相应的保护利用策略,既是落实革命文物集中连片保护的政策要求,也是讲好中国共产党故事,弘扬革命精神的必要举措.选取陕甘宁片区1 316处革命遗址为研究对象,综合运用最近邻指数、核密度分析、空间基尼系数、标准差椭圆等量化方法,系统研究陕甘宁革命遗址在空间上的分布特征.主要结论如下:①革命遗址整体性强,不同类别的遗产凝聚区域不同.②革命遗址空间分布不均匀,围绕延安形成强核心特征,以延安为核心逐步呈现宏观区域差异.③革命遗址伴随着时间重心不断迁移,空间中的流线移动现象表明革命遗址在空间上呈现多要素节点特征.④建议对陕甘宁革命遗址进行全要素全时空的整体保护,构建“一圣地、两节点、四线路、五组团”的陕甘宁革命遗址活化利用网络体系
The Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Revolutionary Sites have witnessed the great journey of the Chinese Communist Party from victory to victory, and have a very important and special position in the history of the Chinese Communist Party. Based on the coupling characteristics of the spatial and temporal distribution of revolutionary sites in Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia, this article proposes corresponding protection and utilization strategies, which is not only a policy requirement for the centralized and contiguous protection of revolutionary cultural relics, but also a necessary measure to tell the story of the Communist Party of China and promote the revolutionary spirit. This study selects 1,316 revolutionary sites in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia area as the research object, and comprehensively uses quantitative methods such as nearest neighbor index, kernel density analysis, spatial Gini coefficient, and standard deviation ellipse to systematically sort out the spatial distribution characteristics of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia revolutionary sites. The main conclusions are as follows: ① The revolutionary heritage site has strong integrity, and different types of heritage have different areas of concentration. ② The spatial distribution of revolutionary sites is uneven, forming a strong core feature around Yan′an, and gradually showing macro regional differences with Yan′an as the core.③ Revolutionary sites continue to move with the center of gravity of time, and the phenomenon of streamline movement in space causes revolutionary sites to present multi-element node characteristics in space. ④ It is suggested that the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Revolutionary Sites should be protected as a whole of all elements, all time and space, and a network system of “one holy place, two nodes, four routes, and five groups” should be constructed for the activation and utilization of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Revolutionary Sites



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通信作者:徐萌(1985—),男,硕士,高级城市规划师,主要研究方向为城市更新、文化遗产保护、本土规划设计.E-mail: 65802165@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-16