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Research on integrated development mechanism of rail transit vehicle depot in Xi'an
韩 超12雒一帆12吕 昭12
(1.陕西省铁道及地下交通工程重点实验室,陕西 西安 710043; 2.中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司,陕西 西安 710043)
HAN Chao12LUO Yifan12LV Zhao12
(1.Shaanxi Railway and Underground Traffic Engineering Key Laboratory, Xi'an 710043, China; 2.China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710043, China)
车辆段 一体化开发 边界条件 规划 上盖
vehicle depot integrated development boundary conditions planning upper cover
车辆段一体化开发是一种特殊的城市开发形式,也是城市进入站城一体化进程中的必然产物.以西安16号线沙河滩车辆段一体化开发设计实例为基础,首先分析了车辆段一体化开发与各级规划条件的相互影响和协同作用; 其次对车辆段从一级开发到二级开发中的重点问题进行分析; 最后对此类开发的供地模式及投融资模式进行总结.提出此类项目应厘清边界条件,统一规划,统筹建设,实现盖上盖下一体化开发,达到综合效益最大化; 丰富投融资体系,互利共赢,实现土地集约利用; 以期为类似车辆段的一体化开发提供借鉴和参考.
As a special form of urban development, the integrated development of vehicle depot is an inevitable product in the process of urban station-city integration. Based on the design example of the integrated development of Shahetan vehicle depot of Xi'an Metro Line 16, this paper first analyzes the interaction and synergy between the integrated development of the vehicle depot and the planning conditions at all levels. Secondly, the key problems in the development of the vehicle depot from the first level to the second level are analyzed. Finally, the land supply mode and investment and financing mode of such development are summarized. It is proposed that such projects should clarify the boundary conditions, unify the planning, coordinate the construction, and realize the integrated development of vehicle depot to maximize the comprehensive benefits. At the same time, the investment and financing system should be enriched for mutual benefits and win-win situation to realize the intensive use of the land. This study is expected to provide reference for the integrated development of similar vehicle depot.


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第一作者:韩 超(1979—),男,硕士,教授级高级建筑师,主要研究方向为城市轨道交通TOD设计研发和综合客运枢纽研究.E-mail:393101731@qq.com
通信作者:吕 昭(1992—),男,硕士,工程师,主要研究方向为城市轨道交通和综合客运枢纽的规划与设计.E-mail:919147845@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-08-28