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FNN model of eco-environmental water demands based on AHP
胡德秀 周孝德 米艳芳
(西安理工大学水利水电学院, 陕西西安710048)
HU De-xiu Z HOU X iao-de MI Y an-f ang
(Faculty of Water Re so urce s and Hy dr aulic Power , Xi′an Univ ersity of Technolo gy , Xi′an 710048, China)
eco-env ironmental water demand A HP F NN risk analy sis cascade deve lopment .
DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.02.003
针对以往多因子分析中存在因重复计算所致的冗余和因孤立计算所致的结果不合理, 提出和建立基
子间的相互作用, 建立其量化指标组合权重关系, 并将权重值作为所建FNN 模型的初始权值输入, 从而有效
消除了系统随机赋予初始权值对FNN 模型结果的影响, 并以黄河上游龙羊峡河段为例, 进行模型拟合与风
险分析.结果表明, 所建模型合理可行, 其拟合精度较高, 具有较强的工程实用价值.
Aimed a t the redundancy caused by do uble co unting and the ir ratio nality caused by isola tion in the pa st analy sis
of multi-facto r s, in this ar ticle , an FNN(fuzzy neural netw ork)mo del of eco-env ir onmental w ater demands based o n AHP
(analy tical hie rarchy pro cess)unde r cascade dev elo pment w as put fo rwa rd.AH P was used to a naly se the inte raction o f
risk factor s o f eco-enviro nmental w ater demands , to establish quantitative indicator s’ compound w eig ht o n various facto
rs , a nd , the weight se ts wer e input as initial w eight values of the impact facto rs of FNN model , thus effec tively eliminating
the impact randomly assigned initial v alues on the mo del results , And to the uppe r reaches of the Yellow River , with
Lo ng yang xia as an exam ple , the comparativ e analysis o f model fitting and risk studies w ere car ried out .Projec t instance
application show s that the model built is reaso nable and feasible , and has a bet te r fitting accuracy and some practical v alue
for enginee ring .


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*收稿日期:2010-03-31   修改稿日期:2011-03-12
作者简介:胡德秀(1973- ), 女, 四川涪陵人, 博士, 讲师, 主要研究方向:水利工程风险分析、区域生态环境需水量预测.
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-11-01