
(西安建筑科技大学 土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710055)

密布竹墙体; 喷涂轻质复合砂浆; 拟静力试验; 破坏模式; 抗震性能

Study on seismic behavior ofcovered bamboo framing wall with sprayed lightweight composite mortar
TIAN Limin, JIN Beibei, HAO Jiping, ZHAO Qiuli

(School of Civil Engineering, Xi'an Univ. of Arch. & Tech., Xi'an 710055, China)

covered bamboo wall; sprayed lightweight composite mortar; quasi-static test; failure pattern; seismicbehavior

DOI: 10.15986j.1006-7930.2018.05.009



The covered bamboo framing wall with sprayed lightweight composite mortar that sprayed lightweight composite mortar is used outside the frame of the wall. Through tests of the covered bamboo framing wall with sprayed lightweight composite mortar under low reversed cyclic loading, the failure process and pattern were observed. The mechanical behaviors such as bearing capacity, lateral stiffness, ductility, strength degradation, stiffness degradation and energy dissipation capacity were analyzed. The experimental results of specimen presented in this paper were compared with the profiled steel sheet-bamboo plywood composite walls and bamboo framing wall with sprayed thermal insulation material. The results indicate that the main failure modes of wall are dragged out of resistance uplift piece and local failure at the bottom of the wall. Though the composite wall has some cracks in the limit state, the overall structure of the specimen is relatively intact. The composite wall has both good ductility and seismic behavior, and higher shear bearing capacity and initial lateral stiffness. Compared with profiled steel sheet-bamboo plywood composite walls, covered bamboo framing wall with sprayed lightweight composite mortar has better seismic behavior and energy dissipation capacity. The composite wall presented in this paper has good economical effect and high generalized value, as compared with bamboo framing wall with sprayed thermal insulation material.