
(1.西安建筑科技大学 建筑设备科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710055,2.西安建筑科技大学 环境与市政工程学院,陕西 西安)

真菌气溶胶; 撞击法采样; 颗粒物; 环境参数; 相关性分析

Characteristics of fungal aerosol concentration and particle size distribution in a university library in Xi'an
ZHANG Ying1, KONG Qiangqiang2, WU Dingmeng2, LI Angui1, GAO Ran1

(1.School of Building Services Science and Engineering, Xi'an Univ. of Arch. & Tech., Xi'an 710055, China; 2.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi'an Univ. of Arch. & Tech., Xi'an 710055, China)

fungal aerosol; impact sampling; particulate matter; environmental parameters; correlation analysis

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2020.02.020


高校图书馆人员流动频繁,且储藏大量珍贵的图书文献,易形成真菌气溶胶污染.真菌气溶胶污染不仅增加了人体患哮喘和呼吸道疾病的风险,还会加速纸张发霉减少图书的储藏年限.本文以西安某高校图书馆为研究对象,分析了真菌气溶胶的浓度、粒径等分布特征,对典型馆室颗粒物浓度进行对比,并分析了不同环境因素与真菌气溶胶的相关性.结果表明,测试期间图书馆四个典型馆室真菌气溶胶平均浓度为743 CFU/m3,室内颗粒物平均浓度为大小为49.8 μg/m3,并且室内外颗粒物浓度比(I/O)平均为0.93.真菌气溶胶粒径范围主要集中在2.1~3.3 μm和1.1~2.1 μm.真菌气溶胶浓度与颗粒物浓度、相对湿度、人员数量和书籍年代之间存在正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.484、0.240、0.492、0.326,而与温度之间呈负相关性,相关系数为-0.338.

University library staff are frequent and a large number of precious books and documents are stored, which is easy to form fungal aerosol pollution. The fungal aerosol pollution not only increases the risk of asthma and respiratory diseases in the human body, but also accelerates the mildew of the paper and reduces the storage period of the book. This paper takes a university library in Xi'an as the research object, analyzes the distribution characteristics of fungal aerosol concentration and particle size, compares the concentration of typical chamber particles, and analyzes the correlation between different environmental factors and fungal aerosols. The results showed that the mean concentration of fungal aerosols in the four typical chambers of the library during the test were 743 CFU/m3, the mean concentration of indoor particulate matter was 49.8 μg/m3, and the mean indoor-to-foreign particulate matter concentration ratio(I/O)was 0.93. The fungal aerosol particle size range is mainly concentrated in 2.1 to 3.3 μm and 1.1 to 2.1 μm. There was a positive correlation between fungal aerosol concentration and particulate matter concentration, relative humidity, number of person and book age. The correlation coefficients were 0.484, 0.240, 0.492 and 0.326, respectively, and there was a negative correlation with temperature. The correlation coefficient was-0.338.