
(吉林建筑大学 建筑与规划学院,吉林 长春 130118)

被害恐惧感; 防卫安全设计; 半封闭住区; 外环境

Discussion on defense safety design of typical semi-gated residential community in Changchun in view of weakening fear of crime
WANG Keqi,WANG Jiayi

(School of Architecture and City Plan,Jilin Jianzhu University, Changchun 130118, China)

fear of crime; defense safety design; semi-gated residential community; outer environment

DOI: 10.15986-j.1006-7930.2020.04.013



Morbid spatial environment is the main factor that causes residents' fear of crime. Supported by the CPTED and “Vulnerable to crime” theories, the paper proposes that spatial position, spatial form and spatial atmosphere are three physical spatial attributes that have important influences on residents' fear of crime in the outer environment of residential community. Through on-the-spot observation and questionnaire survey of Fuhao Garden, a typical semi-gated residential community in Changchun, based on analysis of the survey datum using Logistic regression analysis of SPSS, the paper teasts out the defense safety problems related to spatial position, spatial morphology and spatial atmosphere that have adverse influences on residents' fear of crime. On this basis, the paper analyses the environmental characters that influence residents' fear of crime, such as accessibility, identifiability, visibility, territoriality, imagery and positivity of space. Through the analysis mentioned above, four defense safety design strategies, namely the design strategies aiming at spatial visibility, the design strategies in view of spatial accessibility, the design strategies in allusion to spatial identifiability, and the design strategies directing at spatial imagery are proposed to weaken residents' fear of crime of outer environment in Fuhao Garden residential community.