
(1.山西水利职业技术学院 工程管理系,山西 太原 030027; 2.武汉大学 土木建筑工程学院,湖北 武汉 430072)

大体积粉煤灰混凝土; 氧化石墨烯; 掺量; 强度; 耐磨性; 微观结构

Study on the effect of graphene oxide on the mechanics and wear resistance of high-volume fly ash concrete
LIU Jianbang1,WANG Yang2

(1.Department of Engineering Management, Shanxi Conservancy Technical Institute,Taiyuan 030027, China;

high-volume fly ash concrete; graphene oxide; content; strength; wear resistance; microhardness; microstructure

DOI: 10.15986j.1006-7930.2020.05.011


为了研究氧化石墨烯对大体积粉煤灰(HVFA)混凝土表面耐磨性的影响,采用质量含量为0、0.01%、0.05%和0.1%的氧化石墨烯进行改性混凝土的研制,并以普通混凝土为参照组,测试了混凝土试件的抗压强度、显微硬度和磨损率,并对各指标的相关性进行了分析.试验结果表明:HVFA混凝土的表面耐磨性随氧化石墨烯含量呈增长趋势; 在HVFA混凝土中掺入氧化石墨烯后,在宏观上提高了试件的抗压强度,微观上增加了混凝土的显微硬度,二者均与试件的表面耐磨性有显著的相关性; 在0.05%的氧化石墨烯掺量下,改性混凝土的硬度随氧化石墨烯含量增加有明显提升; 当氧化石墨烯掺量大于0.05%时可能会发生结块效应,限制了显微硬度的提升.本研究结果可为氧化石墨烯混凝土的研制提供可靠的依据.

In order to study the modification effects of graphene oxide with quantity on the surface wear resistance of high-volume fly ash concrete, different contents of graphene oxide high-volume fly ash concrete samples are prepared, with the common concrete as the reference group. The compressive strength, microhardness and wear rate of modified mass fly ash concrete are measured. And correlation of strength, hardness and wear resistance are analyzed. Results show that the surface wear resistance of concrete increases with the content of graphene oxide. With the addition of graphene oxide to concrete, the compressive strength of the specimens is improved, and the microhardness of the concrete is also increased at the low level of graphene oxide contents. During the content increses from 0 to 0.05%, the hardness of the modified concrete increased significantly. Caking effect may occur when graphene oxide content is greater than 0.05%, limiting the improvement of microhardness and abrasive resistance. Results of the study can provide a reliable basis for the development of graphene oxide modified concrete.