
(1.山东建筑大学 山东省绿色建筑协同创新中心,山东 济南 250101; 2.中铁工程设计咨询集团 济南设计院,山东 济南 250022; 3.天津大学 环境科学与工程学院,天津,300072)

建筑用能; 参数化设计; 中庭; 严寒地区; 空间节能设计指标

Parametric design of atrium space energy efficiency for office building in severe cold region
GENG Geng1, GENG Jing2, YIN Hongmei1, WANG Chongjie1, ZHU Neng3

(1.Shandong Co-innovation Center of Green Building, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China; 2.China Railway Engineering Consulting Group, Jinan Design Institute, Jinan 250022, China; 3.School of Environmental Science& Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)

energy consumption in building; parameterization; atrium; severe cold region; space energy efficiency index

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2020.06.017


基于进一步丰富公共建筑方案阶段空间节能设计指标之目的 ,结合严寒地区设置有中庭空间的办公建筑的采暖系统形式及用能特征,提出了以严寒地区办公建筑中庭空间节能设计指标参数:跨度高度比(SHR)、空间建筑面积比(ABAR)和朝向加权暴露边长比(OWELSR)为核心的中庭空间节能参数化设计理论.以空间节能设计指标参数为变量,以双向、三向和四向贯通型与非贯通型中庭为研究对象,利用建筑能耗模拟软件Design Builder进行了严寒地区设置有不同尺度中庭空间的办公建筑全年动态建筑能耗模拟.建立了空间节能设计指标参数与建筑采暖用能密度之间的定量关系,通过建筑采暖用能密度的归一化拟合及对比分析,分别定义了各个空间参数设计优选区间,指导严寒地区办公建筑中庭空间在方案阶段的节能设计.

The purpose of this research is to enrich the space energy efficiency indicators for public buildings in schematic stage. In combination with the heating system form and energy consumption characteristics of office buildings with atrium space in severe cold region of China, span height ratio(SHR), atrium building area ratio(ABAR)and orientation weighted exposed length of side ratio(OWELSR)were proposed as space energy efficiency indexes. Annual dynamic building energy consumption simulation of office building with atrium in severe cold region of China was conducted by building energy simulation software Design Builder, considering space energy efficiency indexes as variables. The research objects are two-sided atrium, three-sided atrium and four-sided atrium in the form of penetrating or non-penetrating. Then the quantitative relationships of space energy efficiency index and annual heating energy utilization intensity(EUI)were established. The optimizing ranges of the space energy efficiency indexes were defined by EUI normalization fitting and contrastive analysis for better guidance of energy efficiency design of office building with atrium in severe cold region of China in schematic stage.