
(中冶南方城市建设工程技术有限公司,湖北 武汉 430200)

建筑垃圾; 膨胀土; 掺比; 级配; CBR; 胀缩特性

Feasibility study on filling roadbed with expansive soil improved by construction waste
ZHOU Zhiqing,WANG Dingpeng

(MCC South Urban Construction Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430200, China)

construction waste; expansive soil; mixing ratio; gradation; CBR; expansion and contraction characteristics

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2021.05.014


通过三种粒料级配组合的建筑垃圾按照0%、20%、30%、40%、50%的比例掺入到膨胀土后进行室内试验,分析试样的CBR力学特性和胀缩特性.结果表明: 一定比例掺量的建筑垃圾可以提高膨胀土的CBR强度特性以及降低其胀缩; 相同掺比时不同的粒级组合起到的效果不同,而粒级组合相同时,不同的建筑垃圾掺比改良效果亦不同.当压实度满足规范要求,选择合理的粒级组合和掺比时,建筑垃圾改良膨胀土满足公路路基材料强度要求及胀缩总率的要求.根据室内试验结果进行现场路基填筑,结果表明建筑垃圾改良膨胀土方法科学、可行.
The construction waste through the combination of three kinds of granule gradation is mixed with expansive soil at a ratio of 0%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%, and then an indoor test is conducted to analyze the CBR mechanical properties and expansion and contraction properties of the sample. The results show that a certain proportion of construction waste can improve the CBR strength characteristics of the expansive soil and reduce its expansion and contraction; with the same mixing ratio, different particle size combinations have different effects, and with the same particle size combination, the improvement effect of different construction waste mixing ratio is also different. When the degree of compaction meets the requirements of the specification and a reasonable particle size combination and mixing ratio are selected, the improved expansive soil of construction waste meets the strength requirements of the roadbed materials and the requirements of total expansion and contraction rate. The site subgrade is filled according to the results of indoor tests, and the results show that the method of improving expansive soil by construction waste is scientific and feasible.