
(1.中国电建集团市政规划设计研究院有限公司,广东 珠海 519000; 2.西安理工大学 水利水电学院,陕西 西安 710048)

城市污水; LC-OCD; 平行因子分析; 荧光区域积分; 相关性分析

Characterization of DOM components in A2O processes for municipal wastewater treatment
WAN Pengliang1,2, LIU Yuling2, ZHU Niping2, DOU Chuanchuan2, ZHAO Penghe2, WANG Xingliang2

(1.Power China Municipal Engineering Corporation Limited,Guangdong Zhuhai 519000,China; 2.Institute of Water Resources and Hydro-Electric Engineering, Xi'an Univ. of Tech., Xi'an 710048, China)

municipal wastewater; LC-OCD; PARAFAC; fluorescence area integration; correlation analysis

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2021.05.020


为探究城市污水处理过程中溶解性有机物(DOM)组分的变化,采用LC-OCD检测技术与三维荧光光谱技术对A2O工艺处理城市污水过程中DOM的组分变化进行分析.结果显示:城市污水在A2O工艺处理过程中, Biopolymers、LMW Acids与LMW Neutrals在厌氧池和缺氧池被大量利用,其中Biopolymers与LMW Acids在缺氧池基本消耗完全,LMW Neutrals削减率达到85%.大分子量物质与小分子量物质沿程大量削减,中分子量物质削减率较低.其中LMW Neutrals、Humic Subst与Building Blocks是出水中COD的主要贡献者.三维荧光数据通过PARAFAC与FRI进行分析,其中PARAFAC法解析出3个组分,包括1个类蛋白质组分与2个类腐殖酸组分, PARAFAC确定的C2组分与FRI划分的区域Ⅰ、区域Ⅱ代表的类蛋白质等物质与区域Ⅲ代表的微生物代谢产物在厌氧池与缺氧池被大量利用.好氧池微生物的生长代谢导致C2组分与区域Ⅲ代表的微生物代谢产物在好氧池出水中有少量增加.此外,区域Ⅰ、区域Ⅱ、区域Ⅲ的标准积分体积在二沉池出水中增加,表明这3个区域代表的物质的增加导致了二沉池出水COD增加.相关性分析结果表明,PARAFAC分析出的C2、C3组分与FRI确定的区域Ⅰ、区域Ⅱ、区域Ⅳ、区域Ⅴ积分标准体积及总积分标准体积与COD、DOC呈显著相关关系.
In order to investigate the changes of dissolved organic matter(DOM)fractions in municipal wastewater treatment process, LC-OCD detection technique and three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy were used to analyze the changes of DOM fractions during the A2O process. Results: Biopolymers, LMW Acids and LMW Neutrals were utilized in anaerobic and anoxic tanks during the treatment of municipal wastewater by the A2O process, among which Biopolymers and LMW Acids were basically consumed in the anoxic tank, and the reduction rate of LMW Neutrals reached 85%. The reduction rate of LMW Neutrals reached 85%. Large molecular weight substances and small molecular weight substances were reduced in large quantities along the process, while the reduction rate of medium molecular weight substances was lower. Among them, LMW Neutrals, Humic Subst and Building Blocks were the main contributors to COD in the effluent. The 3D fluorescence data were analyzed by PARAFAC and FRI, in which three fractions, including one protein-like fraction and two humic acid-like fractions, were resolved by PARAFAC. The growth and metabolism of microorganisms in the aerobic basin resulted in a small increase of microbial metabolites represented by C2 fraction and region III in the effluent of the aerobic basin. In addition, the standard integral volume of zone I, zone II and zone III increased in the effluent of the secondary sedimentation tank, indicating that the increase of the substances represented by these three zones led to the increase of COD in the effluent of the secondary sedimentation tank. The results of correlation analysis showed that the C2 and C3 components analyzed by PARAFAC were significantly correlated and the integrated standard volume and total integrated standard volume of region I, region II, region IV, region V determined by FRI with COD and DOC.