 HAO Jianbin,ZHANG Huan,LI Long,et al.Model test on stability of straw reinforced soil slope[J].J. Xi’an Univ. of Arch. & Tech.(Natural Science Edition),2024,56(02):176-182.[doi:10.15986/j.1006-7930.2024.02.003]





Model test on stability of straw reinforced soil slope
(1.长安大学 地质工程与测绘学院,陕西 西安 710061;2.陕西省建筑职工大学,陕西 西安 710043;3.北京市勘察设计研究院有限公司,北京 100038)
HAO Jianbin1 ZHANG Huan12 LI Long13 JIANG Zhenwei1
(1.School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics,Chang′an University,Xi′an 710054,China;2.Architecture Zabor University of Shaanxi Province, Xi′an 710043,China;3. BGI Engineering Consultants Ltd.,Beijing 100038, China)
slope stabilityreinforced soilstrawmodel test
为了研究稻草加筋土边坡的稳定性及变形破坏特征,先后开展了稻草加筋土无侧限抗压强度试验与边坡稳定性模型试验.通过无侧限抗压强度试验得出,在土体中加入稻草,可有效抑制土体的变形,且当稻草加筋率为0.2%、筋材长度为25 mm,即最优加筋条件时,加筋土无侧限抗压强度最大,对试样变形的抑制效果最好.在此基础上,开展了最优加筋条件下的稻草加筋土边坡稳定性模型试验,试验结果表明,相较于素土边坡,稻草加筋可有效提高边坡极限承载力,减小竖向位移;素土边坡与加筋土边坡的水平位移变化趋势均可分为稳定、等速变形和加速变形(包括弱加速变形阶段与强加速变形阶段)三阶段演化,稻草的加筋作用在弱加速变形阶段发挥明显,能显著提高坡体抵抗变形能力;加筋土边坡完全破坏后产生的滑面深而广,且滑面周围小裂隙相对较多,整体性与稳定性均优于素土边坡.
In order to study the stability and deformation failure characteristics of rice straw reinforced soil slope, the unconfined compressive strength test and slope stability model test of rice straw reinforced soil were carried out successively. According to the unconfined compressive strength test, the soil deformation can be effectively inhibited by adding straw to the soil, and when the reinforcement rate of straw is 02% and the length of reinforcement is 25mm, which is the optimal reinforcement condition, the unconfined compressive strength of the reinforced soil is the highest, and the straw have the best inhibition effect on the deformation of the sample. On this basis, the stability model test of straw reinforced soil slope under the optimal reinforcement condition was carried out. The test results show that compared with the plain soil slope, the straw reinforcement can effectively improve the ultimate bearing capacity of the slope and reduce the vertical displacement. The horizontal displacement trend of both plain soil slopes and reinforced soil slopes can be divided into three stages of evolution: stable stage, constant velocity deformation stage, and accelerated deformation stage (including weak acceleration deformation stage and strong acceleration deformation stage), and the reinforcement effect of straw plays a significant role in the weak acceleration deformation stage, which can significantly improve the slope′s resistance to deformation. After the complete failure of the reinforced soil slope, the sliding surface is deep and wide, and there are relatively more small cracks around the sliding surface, so the overall integrity and stability are better than those of the plain soil slope.


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收稿日期:2021-09-17 修回日期:2024-03-21
第一作者:郝建斌(1975—),女,博士,教授,主要从事方向岩土体稳定及安全性评价研究.E-mail: haojb@chd.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-06-21