 LI Zhiwei,WANG Yixiang,SHEN Weiru,et al.Research on the design of teaching space in primary and secondary schools based on STEAM education concept[J].J. Xi’an Univ. of Arch. & Tech.(Natural Science Edition),2024,56(06):930-937.[doi:10.15986/j.1006-7930.2024.06.016]





Research on the design of teaching space in primary and secondary schools based on STEAM education concept
(1.中国联合工程有限公司,浙江 杭州 310051;2.浙江大学 教育学院,浙江 杭州 310058)
LI Zhiwei1 WANG Yixiang1 SHEN Weiru1 ZHU Weihang1 SHAO Xingjiang2
(1.China United Engineering Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310051, China;2.College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)
STEAM education concept primary and secondary schools teaching space flexibility openingup and integration interactive communication
The “STEAM Education Concept” has greatly accelerated the renewal of primary and secondary education models. However, the teaching spaces designed based on traditional educational concepts in primary and secondary schools cannot bridge the mismatch between new educational concepts and teaching space design. This paper analyzes the characteristics of interdisciplinary integrated education of “STEAM Education Concept” from three dimensions: subject classrooms, teaching group and teaching complex. By combining literature research and design practical experience, the paper promotes the formation of a teaching space based on the “STEAM Education Concept” from certainty to uncertainty, and constructs a teaching space that is continuous, uninterrupted, and not limited by physical space.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2025-02-18