 YUAN Fang,WU Kejie,LIN Longqin,et al.Exploration of town territory spatial planning oriented by the protection and inheritance of world heritage sites[J].J. Xi’an Univ. of Arch. & Tech.(Natural Science Edition),2024,56(03):435-444.[doi:10.15986/j.1006-7930.2024.03.015]





Exploration of town territory spatial planning oriented by the protection and inheritance of world heritage sites
(1.北京市城市规划设计研究院 公共空间与公共艺术设计所,北京 100045;2.北京工业大学 规划建筑设计院有限公司国土规划所,北京 100124)
YUAN Fang1 WU Kejie1 LIN Longqin1 LIU Liyuan2
(1.Public Space and Public Art Design Institute, Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design, Bejing 100045, China; 2.Land Planning Institute, Beijing University of Technology Planning and Architecture Design Institute Co., Ltd., Bejing 100124, China)
world heritage sites territorial spatial planning historical and cultural protection Ming Tombs
Following the approval of Beijing′s master plan, territorial spatial planning has advanced progressively under a detailed framework of three levels, three categories, and four systems. Positioned as a crucial mid-section, town territory spatial planning emphasizes the enforcement and transmission of control requirements, ensuring strict compliance with various indicators and spatial management elements. Beijing, renowned for its abundant cultural assets and status as a national cultural hub, faces the pivotal challenge of preserving its esteemed historical and cultural identity. This paper discusses how to seamlessly incorporate historical and cultural preservation needs into town territory spatial planning, thereby guiding the development of both urban and rural settings to ensure the effective conservation and utilization of cultural heritage. After assessing the primary challenges confronting world heritage sites, the study advocates for a reevaluation of town territory spatial planning with a focus on protection and inheritance. It recommends harmonizing the relationships between heritage and region, cultural relics and their environments, culture and space, and protection and development. Drawing on the practice of protecting world cultural heritage sites and promoting the prosperity of the Shisanling Town, the paper establishes a strategic framework for territorial spatial planning that includes comprehensive perception, strategic guidance, tiered protection, and sustainable development. This framework is intended to serve as a useful reference for related professional fields




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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-16