 RUAN Jiabin,WANG Tiehang,ZHAO Zaikun,et al.Discussion on the application of magnetic logging method to detect steel reinforcement cage in loess site[J].J. Xi'an Univ. of Arch. & Tech.(Natural Science Edition),2024,56(04):563-570.[doi:10.15986/j.1006-7930.2024.04.010]





Discussion on the application of magnetic logging method to detect steel reinforcement cage in loess site
阮嘉斌王铁行赵再昆张 亮
(西安建筑科技大学 土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710055)
RUAN JiabinWANG TiehangZHAO ZaikunZHANG Liang
(School of Civil Engineering, Xi'an Univ. of Arch. & Tech., Xi'an 710055, China)
钢筋笼长度 磁测井法 黄土场地 磁场垂直分量
reinforcement cage length magnetic logging method loess site vertical component of magnetic field
磁测井法作为钢筋笼长度无损检测的有效方法,在黄土场地的适用性尚未得到验证.对磁测井法原理进行分析得到判断钢筋笼长度的方法并结合工程实例对黄土地区灌注桩钢筋笼进行检测,发现曲线特征点不明显.进一步对黄土-古土壤层磁场强度垂直分量进行检测分析原因.采用不同的检测方式、桩-孔距离、检测速度对灌注桩钢筋笼长度进行检测.研究结果表明:曲线特征点不明显主要受黄土场地黄土-古土壤互层以及古土壤磁性较强的影响,为克服此影响测得实际钢筋笼长度,在黄土场地采用磁测井法检测钢筋笼长度时,应遵循磁力传感器从下至上检测、桩-孔距离不大于0.7 m、磁力传感器检测速度不大于300 mm/s的标准.
As an effective method for nondestructive testing of reinforcement cage length, the applicability of magnetic logging method in loess site has not been verified. In this paper, the principle of magnetic logging method is analyzed to get a method to judge the length of reinforcement cage, and combined with engineering examples to detect the reinforcement cage of cast-in piles in loess area, it is found that the characteristic points of the curve are not obvious. Further, the vertical component of magnetic field intensity in loess-paleosol layer is detected and analyzed. Different detection methods, pile-hole distance and detection speed are used to detect the length of reinforced cage of cast-in-place piles. The results indicate that the unclear characteristic points of the curve are mainly affected by the interlayer of loess paleosol and the strong magnetic properties of paleosol in the loess site. In order to overcome this influence, the actual length of the reinforcement cage should be measured by the magnetic logging method in the loess site, the magnetic sensor should be detected from bottom to top, the pile-hole distance should not be more than 0.7 m, and the detection speed of the magnetic sensor should not be more than 300 mm/s.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-08-28