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Mechanical properties analysis of cast steel joints in the construction stage of the steel roof structure of Tianchang national fitness center stadium
计康生1谢 坚1王明花1童颜泱2杨世昱1
(1.安徽中亚钢结构工程有限公司,安徽 合肥 230051; 2.浙江理工大学科技与艺术学院 建筑工程学院,浙江 绍兴 312369)
JI Kangsheng1XIE Jian1WANG Minghua1TONG Yanyang2YANG Shiyu1
(1.Anhui Zhongya Steel Structual Engineering Co., Ltd., Hefei 230051, China; 2.School of Civil Engineering, KeYi College of Zhejiang SCI-Tech University, Zhejiang Shaoxing 312369, China)
大跨度钢结构 铸钢节点 施工工况 多尺度有限元
long span steel structure cast steel joints construction conditions multi-scale finite element method
大跨度管桁架结构弦杆数量多、交错连接,传统的相贯节点由于截面限制、连接刚度不足、相贯线不足等原因,无法满足复杂大跨度管桁架钢结构杆件间连接要求.铸钢节点具有一次浇筑成型、形状适应性强、材质均匀等优势,被广泛用于空间结构中.以天长全民健身中心体育场钢屋盖项目为背景,对8种典型铸钢节点进行了力学分析,铸钢节点所连接杆件数量从4~12根不等,共分为支座铸钢节点与空间铸钢节点两类.分析时共考虑了合拢和卸载2个主要施工工况,卸载工况考虑了内外圈临时支撑卸载的顺序对铸钢节点的影响,对比了各个工况下铸钢节点的应力云图.分析结果表明:外圈临时支撑完全卸载和内圈临时支撑卸载一半时,最大Von-Mises应力仅为22 MPa,完全卸载时最大应力约为51 MPa.8种典型铸钢节点在5个主要施工工况下,应力分布较为均匀,节点与杆件连接处应力过渡合理,节点核心区域应力分布较小,能够保证大跨度管桁架主结构各杆件之间的有效连接和内力传递.
Because of the large number of strings and staggered connections, the traditional intersecting joints cannot meet the connection requirements of the rods in the complex long-span pipe truss steel structure due to the limited section, insufficient connection stiffness and insufficient intersecting lines. Cast steel joints are widely used in space structures due to their advantages of one-time casting, strong shape adaptability and uniform material. In this paper, the mechanical analysis of 8 typical cast steel joints is carried out for the steel roof project of Tianchang National Fitness Center Stadium. The number of rods connected to cast steel joints ranges from 4 to 12, which can be divided into two types: support cast steel joints and space cast steel joints. In the analysis, two main construction conditions of closure and unloading are considered. In the unloading condition, the influence of the unloading sequence of the temporary support of the inner and outer rings on the cast steel joint is considered, and the stress cloud maps of the cast steel joint under each working condition is compared. The analysis results show that the maximum Von-Mises stress is only 22 MPa when the outer ring temporary support is completely unloaded and the inner ring temporary support is half unloaded, and the maximum stress is about 51 MPa when the outer ring temporary support is completely unloaded. Under five main construction conditions, the stress distribution of eight typical cast steel joints is relatively uniform, the stress transition at the joint and bar joint is reasonable, and the stress distribution in the core area of the joint is small, which can ensure the effective connection and internal force transfer between the bars of the main structure of long-span pipe truss.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金(52178161); 安徽省住房城乡建设科学技术计划项目(2022-YF106); 合肥水泥研究设计院有限公司开发项目(GG03-2021)
通信作者:谢 坚(1994—),硕士,工程师,主要从事钢结构设计与研发.E-mail:jianxie1994@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-08-28