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Research on elaborate street type recognition and distribution characteristics based on POI data: A case study in the main urban area of Fuzhou
张家瑜袁 阳周梦涵杨 钇朱里莹
(福建农林大学 园林学院,福建 福州 350002)
(School of Landscape Architecture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China)
POI 街道分类 大数据 城市体检
POI street type big date city physical examination
连接城市兴趣点(Point of Interest,POI)的街道空间是公众感知城市意象和开展城市生活的重要空间载体.分类街道是在街道层级进行城市体检的必要环节.然而现有街道类型划分相对粗略,若将POI点数据的精度拓展至街道这一线性空间,将有助于实现街道类型精细化识别,有效提升城市体检效率.基于此,利用城市形态数据的空间属性,结合公众认知度赋值,对POI进行空间化处理后,在城市地块属性识别的基础上探索了精细化识别街道类型的新方法.以福州主城区为例,分析其街道类型和空间分布特征.主要结论如下:①使用POI点数据能够实现城市线性空间类型的精细化识别; ②以单一性街道为主的街道空间功能复合性差,需引入多元多样空间体验,有效提升城市街道活力; ③呈现区域集聚特征的街道能够发挥意象感知优势,有利于打造城市个性化品牌形象.基于POI识别街道类型对认知城市空间、实施城市体检有一定参考价值,为深入探究街道空间提供了新的视角.
The street space that connects the point-of-interest(POI)is an important space for public to perceive the image of urban and start a city life, and also a necessary part of the city physical examination. However, the existing street types are relatively rough. It will helpful to divide the street types and effectively improve the efficiency of city physical examination if the accuracy of the point data was extended to a linear space of streets. This paper uses urban morphology data, and combined with spatial attributes and public awareness to assign weights to POI after spatial processing, and explores a new method of identifying street types based on the identification of urban area attribute, and classify the Fuzhou urban street into seven categories such as residential street, commercial street, traffic street, industrial street, landscape street, residential-commercial mixed street, other mixed street, then analyze the spatial distribution characteristics. The results show that:(1)Using POI can identify urban linear space types accurately;(2)The functional complexity of the streets dominated by single streets is poor, so it is necessary to introduce rich spatial experience to enhance the vitality of urban streets;(3)The streets showing the characteristics of regional agglomeration have advantages in giving full play to image perception, which is conducive to building a personalized brand image of the city.The identification of street types based on POI is useful for the cognition of urban space and implement urban physical examination, and provides a new perspective for the further exploration of street space.


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基金项目:福建省教育厅基金项目(JAT190149); 福建农林大学基金资助项目(CXZX2017157)
第一作者:张家瑜(1996—),女,硕士生,研究方向为园林与景观设计. E-mail:1262881195@qq.com.通信作者:朱里莹(1987—),女,博士,副教授,研究方向为风景园林规划与设计. E-mail:fjndzly@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-06-28