
(西安建筑科技大学 建筑学院,陕西 西安 710055)

秦汉时期; 典型宫殿;; 受力特征; 建筑结构

Analysis on the mechanical performance of the way of connections between columns & ground of the typical palace architecture base in the Qin and Han dynasties
WU Guoyuan, LI Lubin

(School of Arch., Xi'an Univ. of Arch.& Tech. Xi'an 710055, China)

Qin and Han dynasties; typical palace; column; mechanics performance; architectural structure

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2018.02.014



By selecting and sorting the data of typical architecture archaeology in Qin and Han dynasties, it is concluded that it is necessary to study the architectural structure in Qin and Han dynasties through mechanics performance by discussion of the way of connections of columns and the ground. Compared with the architecture earlier, the stabilization of the columns in Qin and Han dynasties mainly relies on the rigid connections of the columns and the ground. But the wall and the integral structure formed with the columns and the component above. The comprehensive use and transformation of the exposed column, the pilaster and the embedded column reflect the essential feature of the architectural structure of this period. Among them, the pilaster phenomenon is the most prominent feature in high-platform building structure of this period. The exposed column coordinated with pilaster is becoming more important in the structure. From the study of connections of columns and the ground, it leads to the more complex connection issues related to the column and the beam frame, which makes a clearer understanding of the developing step of the structural logic about the history of Chinese architecture technology of this period.