
(1.湖南大学 土木工程学院,湖南 长沙 410012; 2.贵州大学 空间结构研究中心,贵州 贵阳 550025; 3.三峡大学 电气与新能源学院,湖北 宜昌 443002)

剪力键; 空腹梁; 简化计算方法; 空腹夹层板

The design method of steel vierendeel beam with shear connector
JIANG Lan1,3, MA Kejian1,2, ZHANG Huagang2, LI Li2

(1.School of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410012, China; 2.Space Structure Research Center, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025,China; 3.College of Electrical engineering and New Energy, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002,China)

Shear Connector; vierendeel beam; simplified calculation method; vierendeel sandwich plate

DOI: 10.15986j.1006-7930.2018.03.007


基于费氏空腹桁架理论,建立了剪力键式钢空腹梁内力及变形简化计算方法.通过精细化有限元方法分析了三种不同节点形式剪力键式空腹梁的内力及变形分布规律、影响因素,并与简化计算方法进行对比.分析表明:设置加劲肋可以显著改善空腹梁的内力及变形特征; 挠度简化计算方法能准确反映设置加劲肋的空腹梁变形特征; 修正后的应力计算方法可以用于工程实践.

This paper presents a new simplified calculation method. The method is based on the theory of Allftlish vierendeel truss. Analyzes the internal force and Deformation of vierendeel beam with three kinds of connections. Compare the value calculated by finite element method and by simplified calculation method. The analysis shows that the ribbed stiffener is important to internal force and deformation of vierendeel beam. The revised simplified calculation method can convey accurate signals of internal force and deformation.