
(西安工程大学 城市规划与市政工程学院,陕西 西安 710048)

数据中心; 热环境; 气流组织; 数值模拟

Thermal environment analysis and air distribution optimization for a Data Room in Urumqi
HUANG Xiang, LI Tingting, LIU Kailei, SHE Jianli, YANG Liran, GENG Zhichao

(School of Urban Planning and Municipal Energineering,Xi'an Polytechnic University,Xi'an 710048,China)

data center; thermal environment; air distribution; simulation

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2019.01.016



Taking a typical data center in Urumqi as the research object, the 6SingmaRoom software was used to simulate the airflow organization and thermal environment of the data center. Temperature distribution of different height planes in the data center, the airflow return airflow streamline distribution and the airflow distribution are analysed. Three airflow organization optimization measures were proposed for the airflow chaos in the data center the uneven distribution of hot and cold and local hot spots. The simulation comparison analysis was carried out. Results show that the optimized thermal environment of the data center is significantly improved, and the air conditioning cooling capacity can be fully utilized, to effectively avoide local hot spots.