基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51508494); 住房和城乡建设部研究开发项目(2014-k2-022)
第一作者:陈 星(1975-),女,博士,副教授,主要从事非线性极小建筑相关研究.E-mail: cx@yzu.edu.cn
DOI: 10.15986j.1006-7930.2019.03.016
基于人体视觉感知和行走行为特点,研究室内空间设计问题.首先进行1:1示范性空间中基于时间-碰撞次数-碰撞部位3个指标的视觉感知局限——人体行走碰撞触粉试验,发现碰撞次数与步行时间呈反向增长态势; 人体侧面碰撞次数远大于正面碰撞次数; 人体上部的肩部和臂部侧面碰撞次数明显高于人体下部的胯部及腿部侧面,而这两区域都存在碰撞部位越低碰撞次数越多的现象; 腿部和脚部正面碰撞次数远大于腹部和胸部.其次,基于人体视觉感知局限性分析,探讨了室内空间中视觉感知和碰撞行为的关系与碰撞机理.最后,提出针对侧面和正面碰撞的5个设计要点及计算公式,改善通行空间剖断面形态,促进室内空间中人体行走行为的舒适与便捷.
Underlying characteristics of visual sensation and walking, the thesis attempts to study on the design of architectural indoor spatial form. Firstly, the limits of visual sensation- walking impact and contacting powder experiment is taken in a 1:1 architectural prototype, which focuses on the three indexes: the time, the number of the impact times and the body parts impacted on. The result indicates that: The more walking time is wasted, the less number of impact times are got. The number of impact times on the sides of the body is much more than on the front of the body. The number of impact times on the top half of the body- the sides of shoulders and arms is much more than on the bottom half of the body- the sides of the crotch and legs, and the lower the body parts impacted on are, the more number of impact times are got for the top half and bottom half of the body respectively. The number of impact times on the front of legs and feet is much more than on the front of the abdomen and the chest. Secondly, through the analyses of limits of visual sensation, the thesis explores the relationship between visual sensation and the impact behavior emerging from walking in the architectural indoor space and the mechanism of the impact behavior. At last, based on the experiment and the related analyses, five design methods and formulas involved in them for the impact on the sides of the body and on the front of the body are proposed, which can improve the shape of the cross-section of the walking space to contribute to the comfortable and convenient of the walking behavior in a architectural indoor space.