
(1. 西安建筑科技大学 建筑学院,陕西 西安 710055; 2. 西安建筑科技大学 文学院,陕西 西安 710055)

建筑; 全生命周期评价; 标准; 碳足迹; 温室气体

Carbon emission assessment standards for building life cycle:research status, development and potential trends
ZHANG Nan1,2, YANG Liu1, LUO Zhixing1

(1. School of Architecture, Xi'an Univ. of Arch. & Tech, Xi'an 710055, China;2. School of Literature, Xi'an Univ. of Arch. & Tech, Xi'an 710055, China)

building; life cycle assessment; standards; carbon footprint; greenhouse gases

DOI: 10.15986j.1006-7930.2019.04.015


对国际、国家及地区建筑全生命周期碳足迹评价标准的内容、逻辑关系、发展历程和不足等进行梳理.在解析各标准内容的基础上,按照环境管理、生命周期评估、温室气体核算和建筑全生命周期碳足迹评价四个层级探讨标准的发展过程; 通过各国际标准之间、国际标准与国家/地区标准之间的横向和纵向对比,厘清其逻辑关系; 在此基础上指出现行标准的不足,为中国制定相关标准提供参考.本文旨在促进标准的理解和应用,推动建筑全生命周期环境效益评估工作的发展,对中国建筑碳排放政策创新和制度设计具有指导意义.

This paper reviews the research status, content, development process and logical relations of building's life cycle carbon emission assessment standards. Based on literature research and content analysis, four development hierarchies(including 28 standards in total), i.e., standards on environmental management, life cycle assessment, greenhouse gases emissions calculation and building life cycle carbon emission assessment are proposed to classify the development process. The logical relations between international, national and regional standards(Chinese ones in particular)on building life cycle assessments are cross-contrasted to reveal their logistic relations. On this basis, the paper suggests potential improvement on current standards and reference for China to enact relative standards, thus contributes to the understanding and application of standards, and promotes the assessment of building life cycle environmental impact.