第一作者:朱永(1992—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向:城市更新与城市形态.E-mail: zhuyong210@pku.edu.cn 通信作者:司南(1986—),男,博士研究生,中级城市规划师,研究方向:城市更新与城市设计.E-mail: sinan@pku.edu.cn
DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2020.03.019
城市更新是深圳政府为破解土地难题,实现可持续发展的主要手段,也是城市研究的重要课题.本文通过对深圳市2010—2016年城市更新单元数据的整理,从城市与更新单元两个尺度,社会、经济和政策三个维度出发,综合分析城市更新的空间特征.研究发现:①从城市尺度观察,城市更新的空间分布表现出强烈的政策依赖性和分布不均衡特征,且与行政辖区分布存在一定的空间耦合; ②从社会维度看,城市更新与城市公共中心、公共服务设施的布局匹配度不高,表现出强烈的原特区内外差异化特征; ③从经济维度看,城市更新主要集中在人口密度小、基准地价低的区域,表现出市场运作下追逐经济利益最大化的特征; ④从政策维度看,城市更新主要围绕在城市规划的主、次干路周围,且与城市总体空间发展方向基本一致; ⑤从更新单元尺度观察,城市更新的空间形态表现出由松散复杂向紧凑简单转变的特征,同时在临近城市干道区域形成新的人流集聚的公共空间.研究成果综合分析了深圳城市更新在多维变化下的空间特征,并通过比对深圳市的相关政策文件,提出促进城市更新的建议与对策,对进一步认识并引导城市更新发展具有一定的参考价值.
Urban renewal is an effective tool for Shenzhen local government to solve the problem of land limitation and achieve sustainable development, and it is a popular topic of urban research as well.Based on the data of urban renewal units from 2010 to 2016 in Shenzhen, this paper analyzes comprehensively the spatial features of urban renewal from two scales(city and urban renewal unit)in three dimensions(social, economic and policy).The results found that: ①From urban scale, the spatial distribution of urban renewal shows strong policy dependence and unbalanced distribution feature, and there is a certain spatial coupling with the distribution of administrative jurisdictions. ②From the dimension of society, the existing public facilities cannot service all the urban renewal, showing extreme differentiation feature within and outside the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.At the same time, urban renewal has little contribution to the construction of urban public centers. ③From the economic dimension, urban renewal is mainly concentrated in areas with low population density and low benchmark land prices, showing the feature of maximizing the economic benefits under market mechanism. ④From the dimension of space, urban renewal mainly revolves around main urban roads, and is basically consistent with the spatial development direction of the city. ⑤From urban renewal unit scale, the spatial form of urban renewal turns from loose and complex into compact and simple.The main urban road area forms new public space which absorbs pedestrian flow.The paper analyzes a multi-perspective study on spatial features of urban renewal practice in Shenzhen comprehensively.Based on comparing the relevant policy documents of Shenzhen, the paper puts forward suggestions and prescriptions to promote urban renewal, and have certain reference value for further understanding of the development of urban renewal.