
(1.潍坊科技学院,山东省高校设施园艺实验室,山东 潍坊262700; 2.潍坊科技学院,建筑工程学院,山东 潍坊 262700; 3.青岛科技大学 材料学院,山东 青岛 266042)

高强度混凝土; 配合比; 水胶比; 抗压强度; 性能

Experimental study on the influence of water-binder ratio on mechanical properties of high strength concrete
GAO Yun1,2,3,DU Chunmiao3,LI Dong3, ZHAO Ping3

(1.Facility Horticulture Laboratory of Colleges and Universities in Shandong Province,

high strength concrete; mix proportion; water to binder ratio; compressive strength; properties

DOI: 10.15986j.1006-7930.2020.05.006


为了研究水胶比对混凝土强度的影响规律,本文自主设计并配制了强度等级为C50、C60型号高强度混凝土,建立了水胶比与混凝土7 d龄期和28 d龄期抗压强度之间的函数关系式,并分析了强度增量随水胶比变化的原因.结果表明,随着水胶比增加,混凝土抗压强度呈降低趋势,符合一次线性函数关系; 7 d后强度增量和相对增长率随着水胶比增长而减小,基本呈直线下降.因此,水胶比将直接影响混凝土性能,若要获得高强度的混凝土,设计合理的水胶比是关键.经综合分析评价,高强度混凝土的水胶比存在着一个合适范围,当水胶比为0.29时,混凝土的性能最优.

In order to study the influence of water-binder ratio on the strength of concrete, the strength grade of C50 and C60 type of high strength concrete were designed and prepared independently, where the functional relationship between water to binder ratio and compressive strength of concrete at seven and twenty-eight days of age were established. The reason why the strength increment varies with the ratio of water to binder was analyzed. Results show that the compressive strength of concrete decreases with the increase of water to binder ratio, which accords with the primary linear function relation, and the strength increment and relative growth rate decrease with the increase of water to binder ratio after 7 days, and nearly decrease in a straight line. Therefore, the water-binder ratio will directly affect the performance of concrete, and if we want to obtain high strength concrete, the design of reasonable water-glue ratio is the key. After comprehensive analysis and evaluation, there is a suitable range for the water-binder ratio of high strength concrete, and the performance of concrete is optimal when the water-binder ratio is 0.29.