
(1.绍兴文理学院 土木工程学院,浙江 绍兴 312000; 2.浙江大学 建筑工程学院,浙江 杭州 310000)

张拉整体结构; 展开运动; 向量式结构力学; 运动轨迹

Research on developable property of tensegrity structures based on vector mechanics of structures
FENG Xiaodong1,2,DAI Guanou1,YANG Weijia1,SA Jianbo1

(1.College of Civil Engineering,Shaoxing University,Shaoxing 312000,China; 2.College of Architectural Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310000,China)

tensegrity structure; motion of develop; vector mechanics of structures; motion trajectory

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2021.03.006


基于向量式结构力学理论提出了一种通过调节顶部拉索以实现张拉整体结构展开的驱动方式.利用MATLAB编程确定结构折叠状态下的初始形态; 然后应用上述驱动方式对结构的展开路径进行跟踪研究,并确定构件的受力情况; 最后利用ANSYS有限元软件对计算结果进行校核.研究结果表明:张拉整体结构的展开过程是一个从可发生有限位移的机构到结构的过程,其展开过程可以通过该驱动方式实现,并可通过结构线刚度矩阵的正定性判定其最终形态的稳定性; 在结构运动的过程中,顶部拉索作为主动索在结构展开过程中起到了调控的作用,同时拉索中的预应力也为结构提供了一定的初始刚度.
In this paper,based on the theory of vector mechanics of structures,a driving method is proposed to realize the expansion of the tensioned whole structure by adjusting the top cable. Firstly,MATLAB programming was used to determine the initial shape of the structure. Then the development path of the structure is tracked and studied by using the above driving mode,and the force of the component is determined. Finally,ANSYS finite element software is used to check the calculation results. The results show that the expansion process of the tensegrity structure is a process from the mechanism with finite displacement to the structure,and the expansion process can be realized by the driving mode,and the stability of the final form can be determined by the positive character of the tangent stiffness matrix. In the process of structural movement,the top cable as the active cable plays a regulatory role in the process of structural development,and the prestress in the cable also provides certain initial stiffness for the structure.