
(西安建筑科技大学 公共管理学院,陕西 西安 710055)

藏羌彝走廊; 文化产业; 空间关联; 产业集聚; 地理加权回归

Research on the spatial characteristics and influencing factors of cultural industry in the Tibetan-Qiang-Yi Corridor
FANG Yongheng, ZHANG Jiao

(School of Public Administration, Xi'an Univ. of Arch. & Tech., Xi'an 710055, China)

Tibetan-Qiang-Yi corridor; cultural industry; spatial correlation; industrial agglomeration; geographically weighted regression

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2022.01.019


发挥文化产业集聚效应对于改善民生,实现文化富民具有重大的现实意义.基于沿线7省2013—2018年面板数据,利用Global Moran's I、赫芬达尔指数、地理加权回归等模型,系统分析了藏羌彝走廊文化产业的空间关联度、产业集聚水平及其影响因素.结果表明:藏羌彝走廊文化产业整体呈现较低的空间关联程度,集聚水平表现出逐年递增的趋势,总体具有“内热外冷”的分布格局; 在行业间和地区间呈现出整体分散,局部集聚的特点,且集聚水平在时间和空间上异质效应显著; 影响因子对文化产业集聚水平作用各异,需求因子对行业集中程度和空间集聚水平皆具有抑制作用,传播因子和发展因子对前者具有抑制作用,对后者具有促进作用,消费因子则刚好相反.
It is of great practical significance to play the cultural industry agglomeration effect for improving people's livelihood and realizing cultural enrichment. Based on the panel data of the 7 provinces along the route from 2013 to 2018, this study uses Global Moran's I, Herfindahl Index, and Geographically Weighted Regression models to analyze the spatial correlation, industrial agglomeration level and influencing factors of cultural industry in the Tibetan-Qiang-Yi Corridor. The results show that the cultural industry in the Tibetan-Qiang-Yi Corridor as a whole presents a low spatial correlation, and the level of agglomeration shows an increasing trend year by year, which shows a distribution pattern of “hot inside and cold outside”; the cultural industry in the Tibetan-Qiang-Yi Corridor also shows the characteristics of overall dispersion and partial agglomeration among industries and regions, and the level of agglomeration has significant heterogeneous effects in time and space; the factors have different effects on the level of cultural industry agglomeration: the demand factor has an inhibitory effect on the degree of industry concentration and the level of spatial agglomeration, the communication factor and development factor have an inhibitory effect on the former and a promoting effect on the latter, while the consumption factor is just the opposite.