
(1.湖南城市学院 土木工程学院,湖南 益阳 413000; 2.湖南大学 土木工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082)

叠合剪力墙; 收缩; 徐变; 竖向荷载

Investigation of shrinkage and creep effect of precast superimposed shear wall under axial load
WU Xi1, WANG Mengfu2

(1.College of Civil Engineering, Hunan City University, Hunan Yiyang 413000, China; 2.College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)

superimposed shear wall; shrinkage; creep; axial load

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2023.01.015


To investigate the shrinkage and creep effect of precast superimposed reinforced concrete shear wall(SRCSW)under axial load, one SRCSW specimen with reduced scale was manufactured. The micro strain developed by shrinkage effect and creep response of SRCSW specimen was documented when applied by the long term axial load. Considering the internal force redistribution caused by reinforcement during the long-term shrinkage and creep effect of SRCSW, the analytical model for calculating the stain response and the stress of cross-section were performed by using the age-adjusted effective modulus method(AEMM). The predicted result calculated by GL2000 model is in better agreement with the test result when compared to the other prediction models. Finally, the factors such as concrete grade, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, environmental humidity, initial loading age, as well as axial load ratio, which would affect the shrinkage and creep behavior of the analytical model under constant axial force for ten years, were discussed by parametric analysis.