[1]张 雄,鲁 辉,张永娟,等.矿渣活性激发方式的研究进展[J].西安建筑科技大学学报:自然科学版,2011,43(03):379-384.[doi:DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.03.003]
 Z HANG X iong,LU Hui,Z H AN GYong-juan,et al.Research progress of slag activation[J].J.Xi’an Univ. of Arch. & Tech.:Natural Science Edition,2011,43(03):379-384.[doi:DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.03.003]





Research progress of slag activation
张 雄 鲁 辉 张永娟 赵 明
(同济大学建筑材料研究所先进土木工程材料教育部重点实验室, 上海201804)
Z HANG X iong LU Hui Z H AN GYong-juan Z HAO Ming
(Key Labo rato ry of Adv anced Civil Eng ineering Materials , Ministry of Educatio n,
I nstitute of Building Materia ls , Tongji Univer sity , Sha ng hai 201804, China)
slag chemical activ ation mechanical activation heat activ ation .
DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.03.003
粒化高炉矿渣具有潜在的水硬性, 作为水泥混合材和混凝土掺合料代替熟料和水泥, 不仅节约资源和
能源、减少CO2 排放, 还能改善混凝土的性能.主要论述了影响矿渣潜在水硬活性的因素, 介绍了矿渣活性激
发方式的研究进展并比较了各活性激发方式的优缺点, 探讨了该领域的发展方向, 即寻找更为有效的化学激
Ground g ranulated blast fur nace slag has latent hydr aulic activity and its application in cement and co ncre te as
clinker and cement r eplacement ca n no t only save r eso urce and energy , reduce CO2 emissio n but also improv e the concrete
property .This paper mainly presents the facto rs tha t affect its latent hydr aulic activity , introduce s the research prog ress
of activ ation of slag and compa res the activ atio n metho ds and show s the resea rch direction in this field.Futur e r esear ch on
sea rching fo r mor e effective chemical activa to r , enhancing the efficie ncy o f mechanical activa tion , ex ploring effective .The
low cost curing regime and the combination of each activa tion metho d is also discussed.


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*收稿日期:2011-03-01   修改稿日期:2011-04-12
基金项目:973 项目(2009CB623104)
作者简介:张 雄(1956-), 男,台湾台北人, 博士, 教授, 主要从事建筑结构与功能材料方面的研究
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-11-02