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Analysis of quality variation of rainwater in Xi′an
袁宏林1 2 陈海清1 林 原1 高阅军3 龚 令1
(1.西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 陕西西安710055 ;2 .西部建筑科技国家重点实验室(筹),
陕西西安710055 ;3 .西安陕鼓动力股份有限公司, 陕西西安710055)
YUAN Hong-lin1 2 CHEN Hai-qing 1 LIN Yuan1 GAO Yue-jun3 GONG-l ing1
(1 .Scho ol of Envir .and M uni.Eng , Xi′an Univ .o f Arch .& Tech ., Xi′an 710055, China ;
2 .State Key Labora to ry of Architecture Science a nd Techno log y in West China (XAUAT), Xi′an 710055 , China ;
3 .Xi′an Shaangu Power Co ., Ltd, Xi′an 710055 , China)
rain f all runo f f pollution correlation coe f f icient rainwater utilization X i′an .
DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.03.023
通过对西安市降雨过程中不同下垫面径流雨水水质分析, 研究了雨水中污染物来源及水质变化特征.
结果表明:西安市径流雨水中SS 、COD 、NH 3-N、TP 均超过GB3838 -2002《地表水环境质量标准》的Ⅴ类标
准;其中SS 、COD、TP 主要来源于径流过程雨水对下垫面的冲刷, NH 3-N 主要来自源于降雨对大气的直接淋
洗;径流雨水中各污染物浓度随降雨历时呈下降趋势, 最终趋于稳定;雨水径流污染物SS 与COD、TP 、NH3-
N 的相关性较强, 说明污染物质多以SS 形态存在, 控制雨水径流污染和雨水处理的关键是去除雨水径流中
的SS .
Thro ug h the a nalysis of differ ent under lying surfaces during rainfall Xi′an sto rmwa te r runoff w ater quality , this
paper studies the sources o f pollutants in stormwater and w ater quality variatio ns.The results showed that the SS , COD,
NH3-N , and TP of rainw ater in Xi′an e xceed Ⅴ w ater requirements of GB3838-2002 in “ Surface Water Env ir onme ntal
Quality S tandard” .SS , COD and TP are mainly f rom rainfall runoff process by the under lying surface e rosio n and NH3-
N is mainly f rom the leach of atmo sphere caused by rainfall.The concentratio n of pollutants show s ov erall dow nw ard
trend in rainfall pro cess , tends to be stable eventually .SS , the po llutant of stormwa te r runo ff is r elated to COD, TP and
NH3-N .All kinds of po llutants are mo stly a ttached to the pa rticles.The remov al o f SS is the key to the co ntrol o f the
sto rmw ater runo ff po llution and sto rmwa te r trea tment


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*收稿日期:2010-11-05   修改稿日期:2011-04-12
作者简介:袁宏林(1965-), 男, 陕西岐山人, 副教授, 主要从事给水及污水处理理论与技术研究.
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-11-02