[1]金鹏康,佘静静,刘 岚,等.典型pH 条件下腐殖酸混凝特性研究[J].西安建筑科技大学学报:自然科学版,2011,43(02):215-219.[doi:DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.02.022]
 J IN Peng-kang,SHE J ing-j ing,LIU Lan,et al.Characterization of Al-humic complexation at typical pH[J].J.Xi’an Univ. of Arch. & Tech.:Natural Science Edition,2011,43(02):215-219.[doi:DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.02.022]

典型pH 条件下腐殖酸混凝特性研究()




Characterization of Al-humic complexation at typical pH
金鹏康 佘静静 刘 岚 王晓昌
(1.西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 陕西西安710055 ;
2 .西部建筑科技国家重点实验室(筹), 陕西西安710055)
J IN Peng-kang SHE J ing-j ing LIU Lan WANG X iao-chang
(1.Scho ol o f Envir .&M uni.Eng ., Xi′an Univ .of Arch .&Tech .Xi′an, 710055, China ;
2 .S ta te Key Labor atory of Science and Techno log y in w est China (XAUAT), Xi′a n, 710055, China)
H umic acid online optical monitoring f luorescence technique coprecipitation .
X703 .5
DOI :10.15986/j .1006-7930.2011.02.022
通过荧光检测和光学在线监测技术, 分析探讨了腐殖酸与铝盐的混凝特性.实验结果表明, 在弱酸性
和中性条件下腐殖酸与铝盐的混凝特性有着明显的差异.在弱酸性条件下, 铝离子与腐殖酸之间的共聚络合
反应占绝对优势, 而且水中残余铝离子浓度一直与铝离子总投量成线性关系.然而在pH =7 的条件下, 铝离
子的水解反应明显占优势, 直到铝离子投量超过0 .1 mM 之后才发生与腐殖酸的结合, 属于氢氧化铝沉淀物
The cha racteristics of Al-humic comple xatio n in the pro cess o f coag ulation o f natural humic acids (H A)we re
studied using fluo rescence and optical monito ring techniques .Under two ty pical pH values , the pattern o f Al-humic interactio
n was found to be much different f rom each o the r throug h the fluo rescence analy sis result :At pH 5 .0 , the do sed Al
ions we re reacting w ith H A molecules at a co nstant ra te to fo rm Al-humic complexe s, w hile a t pH 7 .0 , the do sed Al remained
unrelated until its conce ntr atio n r ose to a higher v alue .By online mo nitoring of the pro cess of hydro ly sis/ precipita
tion of aluminum ions in a wa te r free of HA , it was found tha t at pH 5 .0, the aluminum species w hich could react with
HA mo lecules w ere so luble aluminum ions , but at pH 7.0, hy dro ly sis o f aluminum ions preferentially occur red and only
after they fo rmed hy drolyzed aluminum precipita te s, could reac tion begin between these precipita tes and H A molecule s.
The latter is believed to be a process of adso rptio n o r sweep flocculatio n r athe r than Al-humic comple xatio n.


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*收稿日期:2010-06-04   修改稿日期:2011-03-05
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50708088 ,50978211)
作者简介:金鹏康(1974-), 男,陕西兴平人, 博士, 教授, 从事水和废水的深度处理技术研究
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-11-01