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Study on the evolution of land use characteristics in typical station areas of multi-center urban rail transit: Taking Tokyo as an example
胡 昂12刘 杰1李 想3干晓宇1吴俣思1
(1.四川大学 建筑与环境学院,四川 成都,610064; 2.东京大学 生产技术研究所,日本 东京,153-8505; 3.四川大学 经济学院,四川 成都,610064)
HU Ang12 LIU Jie1 LI Xiang3 GAN Xiaoyu1 WU Yusi1
(1.School of Architecture & Environment, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064,China; 2.The Institute of Industrial Science,The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8505,Japan; 3.School of Economics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064,China)
城市结构 轨交站域 土地利用 东京
urban structure rail transit station area land use Tokyo
站域合理的土地利用能够促进高端要素聚集、实现产业高级配置,推动区域中心城市高质量发展.以日本东京为例,选取东京站、涩谷站、新宿站、池袋站等半径为1 000 m的站域,运用信息熵与均衡度模型、Weaver-Thomas组合系数及空间句法,分析了1860、1916、1966、2016年站域的土地利用均衡性、主导性以及可达性的特征演变.研究发现:由于区域中心城市的聚集与分散效应,四个站域土地利用的均衡度由上升转为下降,地区职能更加专一化; 站域城市建设与站点开发的时序,将影响区域中心城市在城市结构中的能级地位,工业用地转移促使地区形成职住、公共服务、商业为主导的一体化格局.站域可达性较高的路网能够增强不同土地利用类型在空间上的联系,提升地区的综合功能与经济效益.
Reasonable land use in station areas can promote the aggregation of advanced factors, realize the advanced industrial configuration, and promote the high-quality development of regional central cities. Taking the Tokyo city in Japan as an example, this paper selects station areas with a radius of 1000 meters as the research object, including Tokyo station, Shibuya station, Shinjuku station, and Ikebukuro station, and analyzes the evolution characteristics of land use equilibrium, dominance, and accessibility in the years of 1860, 1916, 1966, and 2016 by means of information entropy and equilibrium degree model, Weaver-Thomas combination coefficient, and spatial syntax. Several conclusions can be drawn from the research results. First, due to the agglomeration and dispersion effect of regional central cities, the equilibrium degrees of land use in the four station areas have changed from rising to falling, and the regional functions are becoming more specific. Second, the time sequence of city construction within station areas and station development will affect the rank status of regional central cities in the urban structure. Third, the transfer of industrial land promotes the formation of an integrated pattern, which is dominated by occupation, housing, public services, and commerce. Finally, the road network with high station accessibility can enhance the spatial connection of different land use types, promote the comprehensive functions, and increase the economic benefits of the region.


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第一作者:胡昂(1974-),男,硕士导师,教授,日本东京大学TOD研究部门特任教授,主要研究方向为城市形态与发展规划研究.E-mail: ang.hu6@scu.edu.cn
通信作者:干晓宇(1981-),男,博士,讲师,主要研究方向为城市规划.E-mail: xy13319333260@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-10-25