
(1.清华大学 建筑学院,北京 100084; 2.北京林业大学 园林学院,北京 100083)

公共空间; 布依族聚落; 空间形态; 喀斯特地形

A morphology study on the public space of Buyi villages in the Baishui River Valley, central Guizhou
ZHOU Zhengxu1, LUO Yawen2

(1. School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2.School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China)

public space; buyi minority settlement; space form; karst topography

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2018.02.016


公共空间既是聚落的重要组成部分,又是聚落公共活动的主要承载场所.黔中地区的布依族聚落因为地形环境、民族文化、历史进程等原因,具有明显的山地民族地域特色,其公共空间特色有待系统整理.根据对黔中白水河谷地带布依聚落公共空间的调研测绘,通过形态学与类型学的方法,对空间形态展开研究.在分析其营建背景及影响因素的基础之上,按照功能可将其分为集会与交流空间、仪式空间、防卫空间、交通空间等四类; 同时,总结出聚落公共空间形成了线性序列型、中心汇聚型、格网节点型、区域整体型4种组合类型.

Public space is an important part of a settlement and is the main place and space for public activities. The Buyi settlements in central Guizhou has obvious regional characteristics of mountainous areas because of its unique environment, culture and historical process. Based on the analysis of background, the article firstly categorizes the public space into four types according to its sfunctions, including assembly and communication space, ritual space, defense space and traffic space. Secondly, by methods of morphology and typology, this article sums up three fundamental types by analyzing the spatial combination ways of the public space: linear sequence type, grid-node type, concentration center type, furthermore there is a particular type of regional defense system.