
(西安建筑科技大学 土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710055)

金属磁记忆; 隐性损伤; 支持向量机; 损伤识别; 建筑钢结构

Metal magnetic memory identification on steel structure implicit damage based on support vector machine
SU Sanqing,WEI Luxi,WANG Wei,HE Yang

(School of Civil Engineering, Xi'an Univ. of Arch. &Tech. Xi'an 710055, China)

Metal magnetic memory; implicit damage; support vector machine; damage identification; steel structure

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2019.01.001



It is difficult for the metal magnetic memory(MMM)technology to test the initial weld damage state and category in the detection of building steel structure.To solve the problem, the research started from the three point bending test specimens of building steel structure. By analyzing the regular pattern of the magnetic memory curve and extracting the four-dimensional magnetic memory parameter, an algorithm of determining weld damage categories combined with support vector machine(SVM)method is established. Results show that the metal magnetic memory technology is not only suitable for building steel structure, but also capable of combining with the advantage of support vector machine in small sample to distinguish the category of weld damage from stress concentration, implicit damage and visible damage. The research solves the decision problem of steel structure implicit damage to a certain extent, and provides a method for quantitative study of magnetic memory.