基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51368042); 内蒙古自然科学基金项目(2018MS05041)
第一作者:高春彦(1978-),女,博士,副教授,从事组合结构和结构抗震性能研究.E-mail: gao-197844@163.com
DOI: 10.15986-j.1006-7930.2019.06.009
以钢管径厚比(55、110)、试件长细比(12、24)和加载偏心率(0、0.23、0.46)为主要参数,完成了12个钢管约束钢筋混凝土构件的受压试验.研究了试件的破坏形态、承载力和荷载 - 挠度曲线,并分析了各试验参数对试件力学性能的影响规律.试验结果表明:径厚比对该类试件破坏形态和承载力的影响不大; 试件长细比和加载偏心率对试件破坏形态和承载力影响显著.轴压构件的典型破坏形态为试件中部钢管外凸或撕裂,核心混凝土出现明显的斜向剪切破碎带; 偏压构件破坏位置主要集中在切缝处,该处受拉侧混凝土被拉裂,受压侧混凝土被局部压溃.试验数据可为钢管约束混凝土柱在实际工程中的应用提供参考.
The text of 12 tube confined reinforced concrete compression members were completed by using steel pipe diameter-thickness ratio(55, 110), slender ratio(12, 24)and loading eccentricity ratio(0,0.23, 0.46)as the main parameters. The failure mode, bearing capacity, and load-deformation curve of the specimens are studied, and the influence law of the mechanical properties of each test parameter is analyzed. The test results show that the diameter-thickness ratio has little effect on the failure mode and bearing capacity of this kind of specimens. The slender ratio and loading eccentricity ratio of the specimens had a significant effect on the failure mode and bearing capacity of the specimens. The typical failure mode of axial pressure member is the convex or tearing of steel pipe, and the core concrete appears obvious oblique shear crushing zone. The failure position of the compression member is mainly concentrated in the cutting seam, where the tensile side concrete is fractured and the pressed side concrete is partially crushed. The experimental data in this paper can provide reference for the application of steel pipe constrained concrete column in practical engineering.