
(成都大学 建筑与土木工程学院,四川 成都 610106)

Dynamo可视化编程; 古建筑; 亭子; 参数化

Parametric design of Cuanjian pavilion based on dynamo programming
WANG Zhongqing, HU Qiang, LU Jun

(School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chengdu Univ., Chengdu 610106, China)

Dynamo programming; ancient buildings; pavilion wood frame; parameterization

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2021.02.014


亭子是中国古典建筑的一种重要形式,现今在仿古建筑和园林设计中仍有着广泛的应用.“以形求律,以律演算”,遵循从“形”(建筑外形)中寻找 “律”(尺寸权衡),继而进行“算”(参数设计)的原则,整理提炼出攒尖亭的尺寸权衡规则,在揭示亭子木构架通用法则的基础上,提供一种参数化设计方法,以亭子角面数N和檐柱径D为基本参数,将其木构架各构件的尺寸按照构成规则和权衡算例,转化为对应的函数变量.并以此为基础,使用Dynamo可视化编程平台和Revit软件,通过创建参数化的构件定位点模型和自适应构件,最终生成攒尖亭的木构架模型.使用此参数化设计方法,可生成建筑体量比例、构件尺寸大小等参数可控、范围可调,角面不同(四角、六角、八角),檐层各异(单檐、重檐)的攒尖亭构架,避免了重复设计,极大程度地提高了设计效率.
Pavilion is an important form of Chinese ancient architecture, which is still widely used today. "Finding the law by shape, calculating by law", following the principle of the "law"(dimension rule)from the "shape"(building shapes), and then taking "calculation"(parameter design), collating documents and refining the dimension rules of Cuanjian Pavilion, taking the plane edge number N of Pavilion and the diameter D of eaves column as the basic parameters, transforming the dimension of its frame design into the corresponding function variable according to the rules. On this basis, creating of parametric positioning point model and adaptive components by dynamo visual programming platform and Revit software, then the timber frame models of Cuanjian Pavilion are finally generated. With this model, the parameters of volume scale, size and so on can be automatically generated and controlled, and the Cuanjian Pavilion frame with different corner surfaces(four corners, six corners, eight corners)and different eaves layers(single eaves, double eaves)can greatly improve the design efficiency.