
(上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司 城市开发规划研究院,上海 200092)

国土空间规划; 知识图谱; 系统综述; 热点与趋势; 研究展望

Hotspots, trends and prospects of China's territorial spatial planning research: Based on the knowledge mapping and systematic review
YU Yidong

(Urban Development Planning Research Institute, Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute Co.,Ltd., Shanghai 200092, China)

territorial spatial planning; knowledge mapping; systematic review; hotspots and trends; research perspective

DOI: 10.15986/j.1006-7930.2022.03.010


国土空间规划是对国土空间的利用与保护做出的综合性安排,相关研究能够为合理建构国土空间制度框架和科学开展规划实践提供重要支持.基于CNKI数据库,本文利用文献计量分析方法,对国土空间规划研究开展知识图谱分析,并对重要研究内容开展系统综述后发现:国土空间规划研究已成为一个热点研究领域; 学科交叉特征明显,但合作网络和多学科融合程度仍待提升; 研究内容已比较丰富,但在案例分析深度、理论完善与丰富、规划子系统内容细化以及实践经验总结方面需进一步加强.未来研究有必要在拓展国外先进案例分析的维度和深度、深化国土空间规划理论研究并积极开展实践评价、充分利用大数据和新技术为国土空间规划赋能等方面持续努力.
Territorial spatial planning is a comprehensive arrangement for the usage and protection of territorial space, and relevant research can support the construction of territorial spatial institutional framework and scientific planning practice. Based on CNKI database, this paper analyzes the knowledge mapping of the territorial spatial planning by using bibliometric analysis method and systematically reviews the research contents, and finds that: territorial spatial planning research has become a hotspot; although the interdisciplinary qualities are clear, the collaboration network and degree of multidisciplinary integration still require improvement; the research content is extensive, but it might be improved in terms of case study depth, theory enhancement and enrichment, planning subsystem refinement, and practical experience summary. Future research must continue to focus on broadening the scope and depth of international advanced case studies, deepening theoretical research on territorial spatial planning and conducting practical evaluations, and fully using big data and new technologies to empower territorial spatial planning.